Monday, June 30, 2008

Creating LPAR from command line from HMC

Create new LPAR using command line

mksyscfg -r lpar -m MACHINE -i name=LPARNAME, profile_name=normal, lpar_env=aixlinux, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1,min_mem=512, desired_mem=2048, max_mem=4096, proc_mode=shared, min_proc_units=0.2, desired_proc_units=0.5,max_proc_units=2.0, min_procs=1, desired_procs=2, max_procs=2, sharing_mode=uncap, uncap_weight=128,boot_mode=norm, conn_monitoring=1, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1

Note :- Use man mksyscfg command for all flag information.

Onother method of creating LPAR through configuration file we need to create more than one lPAR at same time

Here is an example for 2 LPARs, each definition starting at new line:


Copy this file to HMC and run:

mksyscfg -r lpar -m SERVERNAME -f /tmp/profiles.txt

where profiles.txt contains all LPAR informations as mentioned above.

To change setting of your Lpar use chsyscfg command as mentioned below.

Virtual scsi creation & Mapping Slots
#chsyscfg -m Server-9117-MMA-SNXXXXX -r prof -i 'name=server_name,lpar_id=xx,"virtual_scsi_adapters=301/client/4/vio01_server/301/0,303/client/4/vio02/303/0,305/client/4/vio01_server/305/0,307/client/4/vio02_server/307/0"'

IN Above mentioned command we are creating Virtual scsi adapter for client LPAR & doing Slot mapping with VIO servers. In above scenario there is two VIO servers for redundancy.

Slot Mapping

Vio01_server ( VSCSI server slot) Client ( Vscsi client Slot)
Slot 301 Slot 301
Slot 303 Slot 303

VIO02_server (VSCSI sever Slot) Client ( VSCSI client Slot)
Slot 305 Slot 305
Slot 307 Slot 307

These Slot are mapped in such a way if Any disk or logical volume are mapped to Virtuals scsi adapter through VIO command "mkvdev".

Syntax for Virtual scsi adapter


As in command above mentioned command mksyscfg "virtual_scsi_adapters=301/client/4/vio01_server/301/0"


301 - virtual-slot-number
client-or-server - client (Aix_client)
4 -- Partiotion Id ov VIO_01 server (remote-lpar-ID)
vio01_server - remote-lpar-name
301 -- remote-slot-number (VIO server_slot means virtual server scsi slot)
1 -- Required slot in LPAR ( It cannot be removed from DLPAR operations )
0 --means desired ( it can be removed by DLPAR operations)

To add Virtual ethernet adapter & slot mapping for above created profile

#chsyscfg -m Server-9117-MMA-SNxxxxx -r prof -i 'name=server_name,lpar_id=xx,"virtual_eth_adapters=596/1/596//0/1,506/1/506//0/1,"'

Syntax for Virtual ethernet adapter



So the adapter with this setting 596/1/596//0/1 would say it is in slot_number 596, Its is ieee, the port_vlan_id is 1, it has no VLAN id assigned, It is not a trunk adapter and it is required.

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