Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dynamically move the resource from one lpar to another

To remove Tape Drive :

Step 1 )
Go to Lpar to whom its assigned
rmdev –dl rmt0
lsdev –Cl cd0 –F Parent
lsslot –c slot –l ide0
slot no T12 pci2 ide0
rmdev –l pci2 –R ( R – to remove child process too)
cd0 defined
ide0 defined
pci2 defined
rmdev –l pci2
rmdev –l ide0

Go to Lpar right clik on particular lpar à Dynamic logical partà Physical adaptor resource à remove
Select the slot T12 and clik OK

NIM Installation Steps

Prequiest are

The disk should not be mirrored.

You should must be knowing the IP address of the enthernet port of the server which u will be giving to the server.

We need to make one Master and others as there Clients .

Required to set the ip address of the master server and the ulimits .

Step that needs to be followed at the Master end are as follows :

Step 1) Insert cd1 of the os base cd and run nim_master_setup command .

It will take time and automaically configure the required setup , it will rake nearly 5-10 mins to complete .

Step 2) Type vi /etc/host this add the entire of your client machines .

ie . you need u need to give ip address and the host name .

Step 3) Once this is done then run smitty nim command

A: Select Perform Nim Administration Task .

(1) Manage Machine .

* define Machine this u will need to give the hostname of ur client machine . (then press esc+3)

(2) Manage Network Install Resource Allocation .

* Allocate Network Install Resources this it will show u host name of master and clients , need to select client .
.............once u have selected client machine it will show u the list of the thigs that will be install , need to select all the things

(3) Perform Operations on Machine .
* Select

This complete all the settings that needs to be do on the Master Server .

Step that needs to be followed at the Client end are as follows :

Step 1) Boot the client server in SMS menu select the 2 option ie Remote IPL

Step 2) Give ip address , subnet mask , host name of the client machine.

Step 3) Make sure that protocal used is normal instead of IEEE802.1 .

Step 4) The spanning tree should be not seleceted ie it should be off .

Step 5) It will give u option to test ur ping select that and check it the output will be ping sucessfull .

Step 6) Press X and logout of the SMS menu the installation will start and it will take nearly 15-20 for the installation to be complete .

This complete all the settings that needs to be do on the Client Server .

And this complete NIM installation .

AIX Boot Process.

First it check Hardware POST inventory.
Then ROS IPL checks user bootlist available devices. If a valid boot device not found then it boots from First boot device. ROS (Read Only Storage) this is a sample code which locate and load bootstrap code. It contains boot info.
Then S/W ROS locates , loads boot info and takes over control to BLV(Boot logical Volume)
Then control passed to kernel to begins to system initialization.
The system tested Hardware found in BLV & start the init process from /usr/lib/boot

With the Help of Init executes Rc.boot1 script

Init Start from Rc.boot 1.
Restbase command is called for copy the partial ODM into /dev/hd4 file system
Then cfgmgr –f called for config rules for ODM
Bootinfo –b cmd call for last boot device detection
So Phase 1 configuration methods results in the configuration of base devices into system.
Rc.boot 2 script call
Root VG will be activated with varyonvg cmd.
The /dev/hd4 file system checked and mount on / and also check for /dev/hd1 and mount on /usr
The /dev/hd9var file system checked and mount on /var. At same time copycore cmd check if dump occurred. If dump exists it will be copied from dump /dev/hd6 to default dir. /var/adm/ras then /var will be unmounted
Then swap or paging space will be turn on with the swapon cmd.
Mergedev cmd call & copied all /dev/ files from RAMFS to disk
As well as all customized ODM files from RAMFS are coped to disk.
Then /var mounted
At the end of rc.boot2 kernel removes from RAMFS.

Then init process is started Rc.boot3 script for remaining device configuration.
Then /dev/hd3 file system checked and mount on /tmp
RootVg will be synchronize with syncvg cmd.
Console is configured with cfgon cmd
Then savebase cmd saves boot customization details to be used on next boot.
Errdaemon and Syncd daemon will be started after 60 sec.
Remove /etc/nologin file
Then /etc/inittab file wiil be executes for start other process.

Technology level Upgrade Steps for AIX

Step 1) Download the appropriate TL from the below link.

Step 2) Oslevel –r to check the current version of the AIX.

Output will be like below.
bash-3.00# oslevel -r

Step 3) lppchk –v to verify that all file sets have all required requisites and are completely installed.

Smit commit ( cOMMIT All the softwares which are installed on the machine.

Step4) smitty update_all To install the ML.

Step 5) oslevel –rl 5200-15 ? to determine which file sets are missing

Output will be like below.

bash-3.00# oslevel -rl 5100-09
Fileset Actual Level Recommended ML

The output from this command told me I was missing the following fileset

Step 6) Determine the APAR for your missing filesets

This fileset is a part which APAR? The APAR number was determined by using

instfix -icq | grep

Output will be below.

-bash-3.00# instfix -icq | grep Release 5100-01 Update updates for eServer pSeries p690 5100-02 Update 5100-03 Update 5100-04 Update Diagnostic Support for a Slimline IDE DVDROM DVDROM download microcode does not display usage error. Download Support for DVDROM Drives to export extract_vpd_kw -vp causes coredump -vp core dump disk format & certify fail Diagnostics: Default should be to only test proces service action displayed for certify failures error in message file unconfigured errors and cosmetic fixes 5100-05 Update 5100-06 Update 5100-07 Update 5100-08 Update 5100-09 Update function certify a disk of type sispdisk using diagnostics function for new diagnostic function. function

The output is broken down into six colon separated tokens. They breakdown as follows:

keyword name:fileset name:required level:installed level:status:abstract

Step 7) Use instfix -i |grep ML to check in which ML the filesets are lagging as below.

-bash-3.00# instfix -i |grep ML
All filesets for were found.
All filesets for 5100-01_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5100-02_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5100-03_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5100-04_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5100-05_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5100-06_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5100-07_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5100-08_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5100-09_AIX_ML were found.
-bash-3.00# instfix -ciqk 5100-05_AIX_ML | grep :-:

Step 8)use instfix to determine the missing filesets as shown in the following example

-bash-3.00# instfix -ciqk 5100-05_AIX_ML | grep :-: 5100-05 Update
-bash-3.00# instfix -ciqk 5100-05_AIX_ML | grep :-: 5100-05 Update
-bash-3.00# instfix -ciqk 5100-06_AIX_ML | grep :-: 5100-06 Update
-bash-3.00# instfix -ciqk 5100-07_AIX_ML | grep :-: 5100-07 Update
-bash-3.00# instfix -ciqk 5100-08_AIX_ML | grep :-: 5100-08 Update
-bash-3.00# instfix -ciqk 5100-09_AIX_ML | grep :-: 5100-09 Update

The six fields above (: delimited) indicate:
The OS/ML identifier, the fileset name, the REQUIRED fileset level to attain the ML, the INSTALLED fileset level,
the fileset status and the source abstract

Step 9) bosboot -ad hdiskn ( where n is the harddisk where rootvg resids)

step 10) reboot the machine.

LVM Interview Question

To change the file system size of the /test Journaled File System, enter:

chfs -a size=24576 /test
This command changes the size of the /test Journaled File System to 24576 512-byte blocks, or 12MB (provided it was previously no larger than this).

To increase the size of the /test Journaled File System, enter:

chfs -a size=+8192 /test
This command increases the size of the /test Journaled File System by 8192 512-byte blocks, or 4 MB.

To convert a JFS2 file system to a version which can support NFS4 ACLs, type:

chfs -a ea=v2 /test
To change the mount point of a file system, enter:

chfs -m /test2 /test
This command changes the mount point of a file system from /test to /test2.

To delete the accounting attribute from a file system, enter:

chfs -d account /home
This command removes the accounting attribute from the /home file system. The accounting attribute is deleted from the /home: stanza of the /etc/filesystems file.

To split off a copy of a mirrored file system and mount it read-only for use as an online backup, enter:

chfs -a splitcopy=/backup -a copy=2 /testfs
This mount a read-only copy of /testfs at /backup.

To change the file system size of the /test Journaled File System, enter:

chfs -a size=64M /test
This command changes the size of the /test Journaled File System to 64MB (provided it was previously no larger than this).

To reduce the size of the /test JFS2 file system, enter:

chfs -a size=-16M /test
This command reduces the size of the /test JFS2 file system by 16MB.

To freeze a file system, enter:

chfs -a freeze=60 /adl
This command freezes the /adl file system for a maximum of 60 seconds.

To thaw a file system, enter:

chfs -a freeze=off /zml