Saturday, July 19, 2008

NIM Installation Steps

Prequiest are

The disk should not be mirrored.

You should must be knowing the IP address of the enthernet port of the server which u will be giving to the server.

We need to make one Master and others as there Clients .

Required to set the ip address of the master server and the ulimits .

Step that needs to be followed at the Master end are as follows :

Step 1) Insert cd1 of the os base cd and run nim_master_setup command .

It will take time and automaically configure the required setup , it will rake nearly 5-10 mins to complete .

Step 2) Type vi /etc/host this add the entire of your client machines .

ie . you need u need to give ip address and the host name .

Step 3) Once this is done then run smitty nim command

A: Select Perform Nim Administration Task .

(1) Manage Machine .

* define Machine this u will need to give the hostname of ur client machine . (then press esc+3)

(2) Manage Network Install Resource Allocation .

* Allocate Network Install Resources this it will show u host name of master and clients , need to select client .
.............once u have selected client machine it will show u the list of the thigs that will be install , need to select all the things

(3) Perform Operations on Machine .
* Select

This complete all the settings that needs to be do on the Master Server .

Step that needs to be followed at the Client end are as follows :

Step 1) Boot the client server in SMS menu select the 2 option ie Remote IPL

Step 2) Give ip address , subnet mask , host name of the client machine.

Step 3) Make sure that protocal used is normal instead of IEEE802.1 .

Step 4) The spanning tree should be not seleceted ie it should be off .

Step 5) It will give u option to test ur ping select that and check it the output will be ping sucessfull .

Step 6) Press X and logout of the SMS menu the installation will start and it will take nearly 15-20 for the installation to be complete .

This complete all the settings that needs to be do on the Client Server .

And this complete NIM installation .

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